A listing of other resources that might help with your jealousy experience:

Dr. Jeanette is one of several practitioners listed on the Trans4Mind site, where you’ll find online trainings and coaching.

  • Zachary Stockill isn’t a mental health professional, but his own jealousy experience led him to research and come up with theories about a specific type he calls Retroactive Jealousy.

Stockill offers a guidebook and video course on his related site, Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy.

Tyrrell is one of several practitioners who created and manage Hypnosis Downloads, in conjunction with UncommonKnowledge.

Gary van Warmerdam’s Pathway to Happiness program touches on jealousy and more in the Self-Mastery Audio Course.

We have plans to offer our readers more sources of help!

If you are a human services professional who would like to be listed on Jealousy.com, please contact us.

Find a Professional

Jealousy is so common, you could say that virtually any helping professional has encountered related situations among their clients. You can find a professionally-licensed psychotherapist on several website directories, including those listed in our Resources section. Read more…